Monday, September 27, 2010


Eat 5-6 meals a day. These meals should be the size of a small salsa bowl or both of your hands cupped together.

Makes sure that you eat enough food a day. It may sound strange recommending this,however some people take their reduced calorie eating plan so far that they eat too few calories which will result in them having low energy levels during the day which can hinder any weight training or cardio plans which they are on. Also when your energy levels are too low this will often lead to you losing control of your eating and you destroying your eating plan for the day.

Try to pick a day of the week to prepare the meals that you will be eating through out the week. This will make it hard to eat incorrectly since you will be able to consume a meal when it is time to eat with out concerning yourself with taste or having to figure out what you are going to eat right then and there which can lead to poor choices.

Try to prepare your foods by baking, roasting,broiling, steaming, or grilling.

Drink lots of water. Drinking water will allow your body to function at its most effective which will in turn lead to you losing body fat faster.

Please comment or email me if you are interested in learning more detailed information about eating plans and body fat loss.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

The True Show Muscle of the Arm

Most Guys when asked to show their arms will Quickly pull up their sleeves and flex their biceps at you. The biceps are a nice Showy muscle group how ever you have to go out of your way to roll up your sleeve and lift your arm to display it.

The Tricep muscles that makes up most of the mass of your upper arm taking up 2/3rds of the available space there. This muscle group is constantly displayed to the world whether your arm is hanging relaxed or up and flexed. Thie Triceps contrary to popular belief truly is the true show piece of the arm. Appreciate your biceps but make sure that you teach yourself to love your triceps.

Check back later for information on developing the true show muscles of the arms.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


I have learned through training numerous women over the years how to quickly and effectively shape the human backside in an appealing way. I would like to share some quick information with you about my strategies for succeeding when you want to look your best when being viewed from behind.

The Butt (gluteus maximums) is the largest muscle in the body.

The Butt must be trained with a high volume of sets and reps to achieve the kind of hard tight look most people are seeking.

4-5 exercises using 3 sets with repetitions ranging between 30 to 150 should be used along with static flexing to achieve results. When some one with little to no Butt is trying to build a Butt I advise the use of fairly good weight with 3 sets of different exercises with repetitions ranging between 20-50.

If anyone wants me to explain more about developing a more pronounce or tighter Butt email me or comment and I would be happy to answer you questions.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Please do not make the mistake of thinking that if you train with weights and do cardio that you will get results. Trust me lifting weights and doing cardio absolutely does not mean that you will change your physique for the better.

All training is communication with the body. You want that communication to be as clear as possible. There is one word that when it is applied will make the communication clear every rep through every set.

The word is INTENSITY.

I will try to be as clear as possible when describing this word since I assure you it is most important factor in my training success.

Intensity can be defined as a application of maximum effort systemically applied to a technical motor skill.

Here are some extremely important things to remember when dealing with this most important of training subjects

You must be experienced in a technique before intensity is applied, otherwise you might be injured.
For intensity to truly be reached physical discomfort must be mastered.
In trying to achieve intensity you must be mentally prepared to the pain that often accompanies it.

The brain must be taught to reinterpret pain as pleasure for as least as long as you are in your set.
This can be done in one of three ways

(1) constant effort
(2) repetitive exposure
(3) absolute determination to SUCCEED.
You must learn to take victory over pain to achieve true physique changing intensity. When that intensity is achieved massive muscle gains or firmly shaped muscles will be the visible signs of your victory!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Playstation Move is Here, But is it any good for Body Fat Loss?

Playstation Move for those who do not know is an extremely accurate motion controller device for the Playstation 3 video game console. There is a lot of buzz going on right now comparing this device to the Nintendo Wii.

What concerned me at the moment I thought about whehter to purchase the device or not was whether this thing could be an aid to helping people lose body fat or not.

To put it in simple words yes. I do believe that you can buy this device have fun with it and in addition lose some body fat from all the cardio that you will get from playing games like the Ping Pong game packaged in with the Playstation Move bundle package.

I can not wait to see what Sony will come up in the future as far as games that will help you burn massive calories while having fun doing it.

Friday, September 17, 2010


People often make the mistake of thinking that the major process of changing your body for the better comes about during the current training session that they are in. I sometimes get amazed looks when people hear of my bodybuilding contest history and that I only train 3 days a week.

The major process that brings about change DOES NOT HAPPEN WHILE YOU TRAIN but while your are asleep or resting the next day.

All weight training deals with communication within the body. When you train, you tell your body change for the better, get stronger, harder, etc. If you train effectively the body has no choice but to respond, but it will only do this at rest.

Unfortunately most people do not understand this concept so they train longer and more often than needed with very little progress. This leads to wasted hours in the gym and frustration.

Train for forty five to sixty minute sessions, three times a week, get plenty of rest and you will be amazed at your progress!

If you want more detailed information about my training style please email and I'll try to do my best to answer your questions.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Try to remember changing your body for the better is about properly communicating with your body through diet and exercise. Convincing your body it is not going to starve is of the highest importance.
Here are some simple steps to follow.

Eating five to six meals a day will convince your body that it is not starving, This will make your body more willing to lose body fat

Count all sugar grams as fat grams.

Try to keep your fat grams at 12-15 grams per meal.

When on a regular sleeping schedule try to not eat carbs after 6 PM.

Your meal portion size should be equal to the size of both of your hands cupped together or the size of a small salsa bowl.

Cardio and dieting together will bring the best results.

When forced to choose between doing cardio or dieting, always choose cardio for more rapid and body fat loss results.

I have attemped to put the basic rules to losing body fat in terms as simple as possible. Need more info? Leave a comment and check back daily for updates.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


I have often seen the happiness of someone who thinks thats they found the perfect diet. I have seen the hope in their eyes as they imagine going through the day interacting with others confidently with their lean tight body making statements for them before a word is even spoken. Sometimes i seen them cheer as they get on the scale and look at another reduction in body weight. I have often seen them look slightly worried at themselves in the mirror wondering why even though their weight has dropped remarkably they do not look better. I have seen people's eyes fill up with tears when they tell me that the stupid diet they just tried worked for a while but then after the first initial gains, the body weight they lost came rushing back to them along with an additional 20 pounds of pure fat.

I have felt disgust at the games that the people who make up these "diets" have played with peoples hearts minds and emotions. I think i can stop these things from happening to at least some people. That is why i going to tell you why most diets do not work!

1. They are more concerned with the reduction of weight rather that the reduction of body fat.
2. They take off vital muscle which is the major body component that burns fat in the first place.
3. They take off weight too quickly which throws the body into a defensive fat preserving state.

The true purpose of a changed eating plan is to get rid of excess body fat while keeping your water and muscle. Keeping muscle tissue is extremely important to the purpose of losing body fat. Body fat has a very low metabolic rate. By itself body fat burns very little calories. However muscle is the furnace in which body fat is burned. Always remember the less muscle you have the lower your metabolic rate and the harder it is to lose body fat.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

DIscover An Easy Secret For Fitness Training Success

One of the easiest ways to achieve your fitness goals and the physique that you want is to train in the morning time. Yep simple and quick to the point.

To achieve fast and effective results from fitness training you need to be consistent. Its amazing how much training dread can be built up by just going through a typical morning. KIds off to school, you off to work, come home deal with kids, and now its time to train! When you train when you first wake up typically you feel groggy. However you have little to no time to dread or find reasons why you should not train yet or even today at all.

Some might say in the morning time its too hard to train in a high energy motivated way. To that I say if you have to choose between consistent training versus inconsistent but highly motivated training definitely go with the consistent training. Any good trainer will tell you consistency is the main factor in fitness training success.

Training in the morning might be the difference between wearing that nice form fitting dress or under armor shirt you love to wear or the loose sweatshirt thats dose not look good but is useful for hiding fat.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Fitness Training is Unfair, Thank God!

I was discussing with one of my clients how unfair fitness training is. The strange thing is is that some times its in your favor for things to be unfair. Imagine if to get any benefit from training you had to train for twelve hours. Then after you trained you would get the benefits that fitness training brings for twelve after that. Instead what happens is you train for an 45-60 minutes then reap the benefits of training for roughly the next 3 days. Pretty amazing. The thought of that positive unfairness in fitness training inspires me and I thought that it might inspire you too.

Always try to latch your training efforts on to someone a head of you

When ever you are trying to train to improve yourself, do not make the mistake of trying to compete against someone who is not at or pass the level that you are trying to reach. As a trainer I feel that the best people for me to compete against are my own clients. Its kind of an interesting circle. I try to get my clients to be the best that they can be. Then I try to beat the level that they are at. Make sure that when you go to the gym to train that you are competing against the bigger guy or the more toned girl and not the out of shape people that use the gym as a social club,

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Ready to lose Summertime fat!

When you trying to eat right summertime has to be one of the hardest times to actually succeed at it! Its amazing how many times when your are ready to be SERIOUS! about my eating there is another birthday,barbecue,house warming party, Etc. Well now that the summertime is almost over, in the time before the Holiday eating period begins, now is probably the best time to lose some summertime fat. Coming off of the Kids being off of school and all the other summertime distractions, I don't recommend anybody planning any drastic eating changes yet. What I definitely do recommend is that for anybody who is interested to do even without changing what they are actually eating is to definitely change the amount of meals that they are eating a day. No less than 5 meals ( a meal size being about 2 handfuls of food) a day. I know for myself I will be taking my meals back up to 6 a day minimum. Normally when I change my meals from a lazy 3 to nice training regiment of 6 meals a day I lose about 5 to 7 pounds. If anyone is curious as to why eating more meals a day make you lose pounds of body fat rather than gain it, shoot me a quick email and I will explain or post the reason in a another blog.