Thursday, September 9, 2010


I have often seen the happiness of someone who thinks thats they found the perfect diet. I have seen the hope in their eyes as they imagine going through the day interacting with others confidently with their lean tight body making statements for them before a word is even spoken. Sometimes i seen them cheer as they get on the scale and look at another reduction in body weight. I have often seen them look slightly worried at themselves in the mirror wondering why even though their weight has dropped remarkably they do not look better. I have seen people's eyes fill up with tears when they tell me that the stupid diet they just tried worked for a while but then after the first initial gains, the body weight they lost came rushing back to them along with an additional 20 pounds of pure fat.

I have felt disgust at the games that the people who make up these "diets" have played with peoples hearts minds and emotions. I think i can stop these things from happening to at least some people. That is why i going to tell you why most diets do not work!

1. They are more concerned with the reduction of weight rather that the reduction of body fat.
2. They take off vital muscle which is the major body component that burns fat in the first place.
3. They take off weight too quickly which throws the body into a defensive fat preserving state.

The true purpose of a changed eating plan is to get rid of excess body fat while keeping your water and muscle. Keeping muscle tissue is extremely important to the purpose of losing body fat. Body fat has a very low metabolic rate. By itself body fat burns very little calories. However muscle is the furnace in which body fat is burned. Always remember the less muscle you have the lower your metabolic rate and the harder it is to lose body fat.


  1. Excellent post! As you know I'm dieting right now and hope I'm doing enough to maintain muscle. All I know is I've hit a plateau this week and I've noticed my overall mood is different. Can't quite put my finger on it- but maybe the lack of fatty foods, and sugars have changed my hormones in some way. Additionally I have a way shorter fuse- irritability, I believe, is one of the side effects of a low calorie diet.

    Either way I'm forging forward- I've been carrying around this excess weight for too long. I'm disgusted with myself.

  2. Believe it or not you might want to stoke your metabolism by taking one day out of the week as a cheat day. You could do the cheat day in one of two ways.

    1. Take the first 3 hours of a day and eat a good sized carb or sugar meal. Then get back on track for the rest of the day.

    2. Eat moderately through out the day. I will explain in more detail in a later blog.

    Thank you for reading my blog,
