Eat 5-6 meals a day. These meals should be the size of a small salsa bowl or both of your hands cupped together.
Makes sure that you eat enough food a day. It may sound strange recommending this,however some people take their reduced calorie eating plan so far that they eat too few calories which will result in them having low energy levels during the day which can hinder any weight training or cardio plans which they are on. Also when your energy levels are too low this will often lead to you losing control of your eating and you destroying your eating plan for the day.
Try to pick a day of the week to prepare the meals that you will be eating through out the week. This will make it hard to eat incorrectly since you will be able to consume a meal when it is time to eat with out concerning yourself with taste or having to figure out what you are going to eat right then and there which can lead to poor choices.
Try to prepare your foods by baking, roasting,broiling, steaming, or grilling.
Drink lots of water. Drinking water will allow your body to function at its most effective which will in turn lead to you losing body fat faster.
Please comment or email me if you are interested in learning more detailed information about eating plans and body fat loss.